Access to Relevant Books Leads to Lifelong Reading
We want to ensure that kids everywhere have enough books to support a natural development of their early literacy.

Check It Out
When it comes to checking out books, digital options offer infinite possibilities.

Digital Libraries are Like Love
Like love, which is utterly fulfilling and limitless, there is no downside to digital libraries and to the books they freely provide for us all.

Poverty and Potential Can Co-Exist
Through the power of technology, it’s positively, potentially possible to turn impoverished book deserts into book gardens and grow avid lifelong readers everywhere.

A Digital Library for Young Readers and Language Learners
Digital books with narrations in indigenous languages can support young readers.

Danish Students Learn English While Narrating Books
Read about how one primary grade teacher leads his his young students in translating simple Unite for Literacy picture books from English into their native Danish language.

Picture Book Abundance
Our team chose “Picture Book Abundance” as a motto because it captures our vision--to offer children around the world an ample supply of culturally relevant books.

Seeing What We Mean
Our genius techies here at Unite for Literacy figured out how to make it possible to share our picture books with children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Young Turks Take On a U.S. Library
English Literature majors and their talented and inspirational professor from the Hacettepe University, in Ankara, Turkey, contribute to the Unite for Literacy library.