Children’s Questions Lead to Lifelong Learning
Exploring the possibilities for obtaining answers to their own questions about the world helps children form a foundation for enriched lifelong learning.
Let’s Change Parent/Teacher Conversations About Reading
Children’s daily engagements with books contribute to their language ability and eagerness to use books to explore the world beyond home.
Grow Readers to Grow Communities
Literacy can serve as the accumulating glue that holds communities together and builds lasting paths to lifelong personal growth.
Culture is Everything
When a family has a culture of reading—when family members choose to read books together with engaging content and rich vocabulary—they send a message to their children that books and reading matter.
Baby Book Talks
Infant language becomes dramatically more powerful when books are added to their lives. The language found in books is much richer and more elaborate than the typical language shared around the house or during meals.
Access to Relevant Books Leads to Lifelong Reading
We want to ensure that kids everywhere have enough books to support a natural development of their early literacy.
Kids Taught to Choose Books Choose Reading for Life
Encouraging and then allowing kids to choose what they read puts them at the center of their literacy learning lives, which is right where we hope they will forever choose to be.
How Parents Can Help Kids Plug In to Good Reads, Rest, and Play
Research and data helps support the principles we stand on here at Unite for Literacy.
Digital Libraries are Like Love
Like love, which is utterly fulfilling and limitless, there is no downside to digital libraries and to the books they freely provide for us all.
Early Literacy Must Not Wait for Preschool Enrollment
Preschool includes early literacy “lessons,” but take a small step back from that and it becomes immediately clear that it is not early enough.
Linking Arms to Grow Readers
Several good corporate citizens of Fort Morgan, Colorado, banded together to establish a Growing Readers program for their preschoolers. Their goal was to ensure that the approximately 250 4-year-olds who entered kindergarten in fall 2019 received…[their] very own library of 100+ picture books before the first day of school!
Ensuring a Child’s School Success
The love, guidance, and stimulation family members provide a child during the first five years is much more impactful in the long run than the lessons they will learn throughout their formal schooling.
Parents Can Help Kids Joyfully Get Good at Reading
Three things that can interfere with children’s calm and relaxed learning are: distracted parents, chronic lack of sleep, and over-scheduled lives.