Are You a Wild Reader?
Wild Readers always have a book going—or maybe several. “Wildies” will read anything when a chance is presented. Our education system should encourage every child to be a wild reader by allowing them to choose reading material that interests them.
The Birth and Life of an Avid Reader
Avid readers have adopted a delightful path forward in their lives that leads to lifelong growth in their understanding about and the love of books.
How Not to Lose Ground in Literacy Growth
Literacy growth does not halt for children during breaks from formal education if they enjoy daily, relaxed reading of self-selected books.
Let’s Change Parent/Teacher Conversations About Reading
Children’s daily engagements with books contribute to their language ability and eagerness to use books to explore the world beyond home.
The End of Education?
Every moment can provide us with fabulous paths to what might be some of the best educational opportunities available in our lives.
Successful Futures are Assured Through Literacy
Lifelong literacy should be the ultimate academic goal of education rather than currently popular career or college readiness.