Robots or Readers?
Have you ever had a computer or phone read something to you from the screen? This is a trick question. Think about your answer.
Stop Worrying About Grade-Level Reading Growth
The concerns about making sure that all children progress at the same pace in their reading test score growth have always been misplaced, misguided, and deeply rooted in U.S. schooling practices. We must join hands to eliminate standard book assignment practices and help kids find books they want to read and enjoy.
Children’s Questions Lead to Lifelong Learning
Exploring the possibilities for obtaining answers to their own questions about the world helps children form a foundation for enriched lifelong learning.
Jot It? Got It!
Jotting is a perfect, always-there, literacy experience, and it is never too early to help a child old enough to hold a pencil or crayon to appreciate and adopt easy ways to develop the habit of recording something for later.
How Not to Lose Ground in Literacy Growth
Literacy growth does not halt for children during breaks from formal education if they enjoy daily, relaxed reading of self-selected books.
One Good Book
The first step toward a life of avid and fulfilling reading begins with one good book.
The Baby Won’t Stop Crying. What to Do?
Unsuccessful attempts to console a crying baby are roughly equivalent to failed attempts to interest a child in reading.
Books are Perfect Toys
Children’s toys and books provide a reflection of what so many of us hope will be a new perspective on issues like race, gender, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and more.
They’re Watching Us
Children don’t miss much of what we do, so they need to regularly see us reading to observe that reading is a valuable, enjoyable thing to do.
Let’s Change Parent/Teacher Conversations About Reading
Children’s daily engagements with books contribute to their language ability and eagerness to use books to explore the world beyond home.
Knowing and Growing Takes All Types of Books
All types of books can ignite reading energy in kids. Let them choose what’s interesting to them—storybooks, nonfiction, comics—they’re all good!
The End of Education?
Every moment can provide us with fabulous paths to what might be some of the best educational opportunities available in our lives.
Grow Readers to Grow Communities
Literacy can serve as the accumulating glue that holds communities together and builds lasting paths to lifelong personal growth.
Spoiled-Rotten Readers
Let’s offer ourselves the freedom to quit reading any book that doesn’t meet our expectations and choose something that better meets our selfish needs. And let’s extend this permission to children as they build their own relationship with books and reading.
Culture is Everything
When a family has a culture of reading—when family members choose to read books together with engaging content and rich vocabulary—they send a message to their children that books and reading matter.